June 15, 2014, 1:31am to 5:52am, N.K. Berlin
December 14, 2013, Zürich
2013/2 August 10, 2013, klangraum Düsseldorf
2012/3 October 10, 2013, Tlatelolco, Ciudad de México
2008/6 October 4, 2013, 7:07pm, Valencia CA
2012/1 actualized by Manfred Werder in Villatalla/Prelà and environments, May 1 to 31, 2012
2012/3 actualized by Nicolás Carrasco Díaz and Manfred Werder in the environments of Grubenstrasse in Zürich, July 3, 2012, noon to 6pm
(photo document of one performer's view around 3:30pm)
2011/4 actualized by Jeannette Muñoz and Manfred Werder at Pfingstweidstrasse in Zürich, October 4, 2011
(photo document of performer's view)
2005/1 actualized by ala1RECS&arsomnis in the public space of Santiago de Chile, calle Almirante Montt, near 440, July 17 to 21, 2011, 10:54pm to 11:27pm (photo document of July 19, 2011)
2010/2 actualized by Jeannette Muñoz in the surroundings of Villatalla/Prelà (I), August 25, 2010, 4pm-8pm (photo document of performer's view)
2005/1actualized by Manfred Werder in the public space of Santiago de Chile, February 28, 2005, 3:23pm-4:11pm (photo document of performer's view)